There's Comfort in Knowing

I’m sorry you feel lonely and poor and a prisoner of circumstance. There are things that I have in my life right now that you may not. I have companionship and someone to bare and share the burdens, I have a warm home I can calll my own for the time being, and a wet puppy’s nose on my shoulder throughout the night. I have much to be grateful for where others have little.

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6 Signs and the Science Behind Lasting Friendships

Everyone needs friends. In fact, the science behind friendships has shown us exactly that. People who form deep friendships can not only better manage stress, but they can cut mortality risk in half! A recipe for what ails you, having healthy friendships can enrich your life and strengthen your immune system. In the “social brain hypothesis’” University of Oxford psychologist Robin Dunbar’s study found that the highest predictor of a primate’s brain size is the magnitude of its social group.

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Humility & Possibility, Liberation from the Eternal Return

Time can do wonders for the soul revealing a beautiful human experience. But, it can also erode what we were born with, humility. Naked and helpless, we cried for our mothers knowing only vulnerability. Overtime we cocoon our true selves and attach to a story, which can restrict and limit us. Punish us. Imprison us. How do we accept ourselves without self importance?

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Water is Magic

Water is the most underutilized tool when it comes to your health. Simply drinking enough H2O each day can pay off in a big way. Proper hydration is essential to making sure you stay alert and energized, but it also ensures everything is functioning correctly in your body, including your skin!

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Lemon Ginger Tonic: 5-Ingredient Health Boost

This simple, yet powerful tonic will start your day off with a natural dose of energy, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and vitamins. After making the first batch, I like to take a warm shot of this liquid gold leaving the rest to sip on throughout the day. Every few hours, I fill a glass with ice and top it off with half tonic/half water. Before I know it, I have taken my daily dose of water. You can also keep this strong tonic refrigerated for a week and take a shot every morning.

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A Letter to a Dear Friend

Birthdays can be a difficult time as we enter into our middle years. But, for you, this day should be celebrated to its fullest. I’m so proud of the woman you are today, brave and open. You may express apprehension and pain in your search for yourself, but I see a bright and hopeful future in each step you take. I believe that your every acceptance will carry you into a beautiful second half.

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The First Kiss

I asked him if he was embarrassed or excited when he heard his brothers’ music randomly playing in public. He said he was more emotional when one of his songs would come on. I don’t know why but I felt compelled to touch his chest, which made him smile. And like a scripted movie, his song suddenly filled the room.

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