10 Benefits of Clary Sage

Here are 10 reasons why we use clary sage as one of our ingredients:

  1. Relieves Menstrual Discomfort

    Balance hormone levels naturally and regulate your cycle with clary sage oil. Can be used to help with symptoms of PMS such as cramps, mood swings, food cravings, and bloating.

  2. Support Hormonal Balance

    Natural phytoestrogens or “dietary estrogens” are derived from plants and are not within the endocrine system. Phytoestrogens give clary sage the ability to regulate estrogen levels and ensure the long-term health of the uterus — reducing the chances of uterine and ovarian cancer.

  3. Relieves Insomnia

    If you suffer from insomnia, you may find relief with clary sage oil. Restless sleep takes a toll on your ability to function during the day. Insomnia affects not only your energy level and mood, but also your overall health, work performance and quality of life. A natural sedative, this oil will give you a calm feeling that is necessary for peaceful sleep.

  4. Increases Circulation

    Boost your metabolic system and increase oxygen with clary sage. Clary sage opens the blood vessels and allows for increased blood circulation; it naturally lowers blood pressure by relaxing the brain and arteries and supports organ function.

  5. Improves Cardiovascular Health

    Clary sage oil is a cardio-protective and may help lower cholesterol naturally. With antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties this oil decreases emotional stress and improves circulation — two very important factors for reducing cholesterol and supporting your cardiovascular system.

  6. Relieve Stress

    As one of the best natural remedies for anxiety, clary sage serves as an antidepressant. Boosting confidence and mental strength while alleviating feelings of anxiety, it also has euphoric properties, leaving you with a feeling of joy and ease.

  7. Promote Stronger, Longer Hair

    Clary sage oil provides your hair with the required nutrients and helps in the absorption of much-needed vitamins essential for hair growth. Acting as both a shield from bacteria and fungal infections, it strengthens your hair and protects it from damage. Clary Sage oil is known for its ability to promote healthy-looking hair and it’s a perfect essential oil to keep your beautiful hair looking stronger, longer!

  8. Kills Bacteria and Infections

    Protect your colon, intestines, urinary tract, and excretory system with antibacterial clary sage. It can also stop the dangerous behavior of bacteria entering our body through water or food, controlling the growth and spread of bacterial and fungal infections.

  9. Promotes Skin Health

    A naturally occurring phytochemical found in many flowers and spice plants, clary sage’s ester reduces skin inflammation and works as a natural remedy for rashes; it also regulates the production of oil on the skin.

  10. Aids Digestion & Stomach Issues

    Clary sage is used for stomach and other digestive disorders such as bloating and and abdominal pain. This powerful essential oil may also work to help the body absorb the much-needed vitamins and minerals that are consumed throughout the day. It has been used to regulate bowel movements, relieve constipation, and help heals ulcer symptoms and wounds in the stomach.