A new approach to beauty.


From styling models and room sets to creating brands and websites, Kamie Kahlo has considered so many aspects of aesthetics throughout her 30-year career. Beauty has always captivated Kahlo in all of its forms. So, why CBD?

Simply put, it works! Kahlo successfully tackled her PTSD with this benign, plant-derived “medicine." Her mother used it for her arthritic hands with surprising results. And, friend after friend reported restful sleep with daily doses. Knowing its success for both anxiety and inflammation, she wondered how this could fit into the world of skincare. In particular, she was interested in the concept of using CBD for beauty from the inside out.

I have spent years researching and developing the gentle power of CBD in conjunction with the targeted benefits of essential oils and created several blends that are comprised of a multi-layered approach to a modern-day beauty regime.
— Kamie Kahlo, Founder

Taking it a step further than just surface, results-driven skin serums, we also offer comforting internal tinctures as well as wholistic all-in-one formulas for this new methodology. In conjunction with sufficient hydration and better nutrition, we believe these blends will reveal beautiful, radiant results.