3 a.m.

Early morning, coyotes moan across the lush desert
Owls hoot among the ironwoods and quails flutter audibly in the stillness of the arid, cool air


Wild cats chatter and slink across the dry grass, hiding in the gnarled bushes
Javalenas crunch their last bites of ancient saguaro before settling into the prickly wash

A single cough in the distance

Heavy carved shutters that creak as the light pours in
The ceiling fan blades whirl above, humming in a tranquil rhythm

Day breaks

Stone floors, cool under feet, whispering the sound of yesterday’s dust, tiptoeing back to bed
Linen sheets rustle and swirl around a Sukhasana pose

Meditation begins

A faint whistle with an inhale, a silent pause between breaths, exhaling with a purr
The voice inside repeats the mantra, Ham-Sah 

I am that I am