6 Signs and the Science Behind Lasting Friendships


Everyone needs friends. In fact, the science behind friendships has shown us exactly that. People who form deep friendships can not only better manage stress, but they can cut mortality risk in half! A recipe for what ails you, having healthy friendships can enrich your life and strengthen your immune system. In the “social brain hypothesis,” University of Oxford psychologist Robin Dunbar’s study found that the highest predictor of a primate’s brain size is the magnitude of its social group.

Encouraging long-lasting friendships takes time, wisdom, and humility. Here are some signs that will show you exactly whose got your back:

1. Be yo’ self.

Being vulnerable and genuine comes easily with the right friends. Authenticity between friends is a must.

2. Promises, promises.

A person of their word instills your trust. Empty promises, over time, will break the bond.

3. Your secrets are safe.

Even in rough times, a friend will never talk behind your back. And they will always keep your shared secrets confidential.

4. I’m ok, you’re ok.

Long-lasting friendships embrace acceptance. They acknowledge and respect your values, preferences, and opinions, even if they don’t align with theirs.

5. All in.

They set aside time to be with you, are present, and are fully engaged.

6. Those good vibes.

Positive and happy energy are great foundations for long-lasting friendships.

The benefits of friendships can increase your sense of belonging and purpose. More than just a good time, your friends will benefit your overall physical health both immediately and in the long term.