Taking Time to Fill Your Cup

If you often feel drained and empty, you may be surprised how easy it is to feed your soul and make life a little better with well-spent time.

Here are four simple things you can do to help you establish routines and healthy habits:

  1. A Breath of Fresh Air – Mornings are my favorite time of day before the household awakens and the workday starts. No matter the weather, spend some time soaking up the sun, breathing in the morning air, and listening to what lives outside your door. Starting your day with nature, even if all you can do is stare up at the clouds, this routine will set the tone for mindfulness and a calmer you.

  2. Follow Your Bliss – Anything will do, read, walk, cook, garden, or even take time to watch your favorite show. Choose something you love, do it every day, and watch what a little bit of joy can give you!

  3. Make a Move – Walking, running, yoga, swimming. Whatever gets you moving, do it! Change it up depending on the season and availability. Even 15 minutes can transform your body and spirit and influence the rest of your day or evening.

  4. Clean Up Your Act – When your environment is in chaos, your mind is in chaos. Make sure you tidy up daily so that when your weekly cleaning routine comes around you aren't so overwhelmed. Not only will your surroundings be elevated, but your mood also will be!

Sharing yourself can be very rewarding. Just make sure you take the time to nourish your daily and weekly routines to ensure you have more of your beautiful self to give!