
photo by kamie kahlo

photo by kamie kahlo

I dreamt a giant buck passed 3 feet in front of me into the crepuscular light, hooves silently floating over the white, open landscape. He looked at me with no expression.

Overnight, the air bore its tiny children, countless little angels, pushed by the internal order of water molecules growing dendrites invisible to my eye. In the warmer evening sky, they grew slowly. One fell into a particle of dust and became lopsided. Most floated perfectly into their symmetris six-sides, unique in their relationship to the environment they had been gently carried into. The most beautiful danced the dance between attracting and repulsing, maximizing and minimizing effortlessly.

Without my consent these bright, virtually weightless messengers drifted down to touch the earth, over top of boulders and gravel, nestling gently into the delicate bare branches which had just shed their orange and red leaves, kissing lightly the head of the copper Buddha, resting with trust between its fingers forming the karana mudra, caressing his feminine shoulders and falling over the knees and blanketing the lotus flower.

They will be all be gone by tomorrow, knowing nothing, ambiguous. Most will perish, absorbed into the surfaces they fell upon. And, the buck, sensing danger, will crush billions on his journey to leave his crown behind. Upon light, the snow will die and maybe he will too.

Author’s note:  I realize “symmetris” is not a word. I made it up as I like it better than the alternative.
