Why Your Skin & Body Need Proper Hydration


Water aids in digestion, circulation, absorption, and excretion. Drinking an adequate amount of water daily is essential for overall good health. But, what about proper skincare?

Without water, your organs cannot function properly and, your skin is, in fact, your largest organ. If you are not getting a sufficient amount of water, dehydration will manifest itself by turning your skin dry, tight, and flaky. Dehydrated skin has less resilience, is dull, and is more prone to wrinkling.

Your skin is made up of cells. And skin cells, like any other cell in the body, are made up of water. Since water is lost in large quantities every day, you need to replenish it. Unfortunately, water will reach all the other organs before it reaches the skin. So, it's vital to get water to your skin and keep it there.

What is the best way to add water to the skin?

  • Use a product containing hyaluronic acid as your first step. Hyaluronic acid holds 1,000 times its own weight in water, thus attracting water to the skin and retaining it there.

  • Then, apply one of our serums and your favorite hydrating moisturizer within 2 minutes of washing your face. While the skin is still porous, applying products allows better absorption.

  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day to help rid the body and skin of toxins. Many people have reported that increasing water intake gives your skin a more radiant glow. Those who suffer from acne have stated the same results.

Proper hydration is vital if you want to achieve maximum results from any skincare. We believe that no skincare can work entirely without the simple practice of hydration.

*Check out my detailed post about how you can drink more water here!
