The First Kiss


I asked him if he was embarrassed or excited when he heard his brothers’ music randomly playing in public. He said he was more emotional when one of his songs would come on. I don’t know why but I felt compelled to touch his chest, which made him smile. And like a scripted movie, his song suddenly filled the room. 

We sat on bar stools at the far right corner of the u-shaped counter. He spun me around and pulled my waist between his thighs. His hands caressed me so compellingly as he glided them gently under my shirt, soft as whispers following the curves of my naked waist. Under and over. Under and over. Then quickly, but gently, he met me with his lips which he used to part mine and our two mouths became one. 

Our mouth, just one open space where two tongues playfully danced to his song. Was it real? How could he be singing in my ear and kissing me at the same time? I could barley keep up with the gymnastics that were taking place between our restless tongues. Though I managed to persevere with his curious game of exploring every part of my open mouth, I was exhausted, thrillingly so. I followed, I fluttered, as he drank me in.

Then, he pulled back and looked at me giving me pause to take one more deep breath. I leaned in and smelled his skin and an intoxicating peppery scent filled my nostrils. My body and hands tingled with aliveness, being aware of that very moment and knowing he wasn’t finished yet. 

He took one last dive deep into my soul where his tongue, like a wave mapping my neck and wandering back up again gently opened my lips.

His song and this kiss could play forever until we died from consumption. I wanted it so.
