There's Comfort in Knowing


I’m sorry you feel lonely and poor and a prisoner of circumstance. There are things that I have in my life right now that you may not. I have companionship and someone to bare and share the burdens, I have a warm home I can calll my own for the time being, and a wet puppy’s nose on my shoulder throughout the night. I have much to be grateful for where others have little.

I will spare you the rhapsodies of just how much those others have it far worse than you. But, ask yourself this, what do you have the comfort of knowing? Look closer than the clean clothes you wear and the shelter above your head and the groceries you can buy. Those are just possessions, items that will be consumed and disintegrate or decay.

What do you have the comfort of knowing? Search harder than the things that aren’t working, like the internet that won’t connect, the phone that never quite works, the girl that won’t call or the news that won’t quit. Those are just temporary attachments that advance or retreat and will be replaced over time.

What do you have the comfort of knowing? Close your eyes, feel the tingle in your hand. Feel the movement of your belly, the filling of your chest, the coolness of your throat. Look deeper. Your body, your mind, your breath.

What do you have the comfort of knowing? Your life. You’re alive!